Shortcodes – Player

Player Newslog

  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016

Totaal carrière

SeizoenGoalsAssistsYellow CardsRed CardsAppearancesWin RatioDraw RatioLoss Ratio

Player List

1JAN HOEKSTRA-Keepers1.90-
2STEFANO MARZORoda JCVerdediging1.8171
3RICHARD JENSENRoda JCVerdediging1.8578
4KEES LUIJCKXRoda JCVerdediging1.90-
5AMIR ABSALEMRoda JCVerdediging--